150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024
Ali, S. K., author.
Armstrong, Kate J., author.
Bou-Montes, Louangie, author.
Bradbury, Jennifer (Jennifer A.), author.
Brandt, Juliana, author.
Conner, Hari, author.
Cotugno, S. H., author, artist.
Davidhizar, Megan, author.
Donne, Alexa, author.
Dugan, Jennifer, author.
Eller, Marissa, author.
Ellis, Deborah, 1960- author.
Engle, Margarita, author.
Frakes, C., author.
Funke, Cornelia, 1958- author.
Garces, Marcela T. author.
Gerlach, Oliver, author.
Girma, Tigest, author.
Grabenstein, Chris, author.
Helander, Amanda M, author.
Hunsinger, Emma, author, illustrator.
Hunter, Erin, author.
Hunter, H. D., author.
Isaacs, Cheryl, author.
Kinney, Jeff, author, illustrator.
Kōno, Fumiyo, 1968- author, illustrator.
Leahy, Elisa Stone, author.
Lippincott, Rachael, author.
Maysonet, Melody, author.
McCauley, Kyrie, author.
Meeker, Audrey, author, artist.
Mejia, Tehlor Kay, author.
Meyer, Marissa, author.
Miller, Henry Latourette, author.
Nelson, Jandy, author.
Nguyen, Doan Phuong, author.
O’Connor, George.
Parker, Natalie C., author.
Porretta, Andi, author.
Quin, Tegan, 1980- author.
Randall, Julian, author.
Rodkey, Kelsey, author.
Russell, Ally, author.
Scott, Megan, author.
Seal, Lauren, author.
Searle, Sarah Winifred, author, artist.
Silver, Josh, 1989- author.
Soule, Charles, author.
Sweeney, Kate, author.
Swinarski, Claire, author
Taylor, Johanna, author, artist.
Tew, Jill, author.
Ulrich, Joshua, author.
Urban, Diana, author.
Valentine, Danielle, author.
Visaggio, Magdalene, author.
Wang, Jen, 1984- author.
Wibowo, Jessica, author, artist.
Sachem Public Library
Fledgling / S.K. Ali.
Fyrebirds / Kate J. Armstrong.
Luminous beings : (a quiet film of cosmic fury) / written by David Arnold illustrated by Jose Pimienta colored by C.A.P. Ward.
Star Wars. The Mandalorian. Season two, Part one / adapted by writer, Rodney Barnes penciller, Georges Jeanty & Steven Cummings inkers, Karl Story & Wayne Faucher colorist, Rachelle Rosenberg letterer, VC's Joe Caramagna.
Till the last beat of my heart / Louangie Bou-Montes.
Take / Jennifer Bradbury.
Exit nowhere / by Juliana Brandt.
I shall never fall in love / Hari Conner.
The glass scientists. Volume 2 / S. H. Cotugno.
Silent sister / Megan Davidhizar.
The bitter end / Alexa Donne.
Full shift / Jennifer Dugan illustrations by Kit Seaton.
Joined at the joints / Marissa Eller.
The outsmarters / Deborah Ellis.
Wild dreamers / Margarita Engle.
Knots / Colleen Frakes.
Inkworld : the color of revenge / Cornelia Funke translated from the German by Anna Schmitt Funke.
Me llamo Marcela : my story as a heritage speaker / Marcela T. Garces Andres E. Garces (illustrator).
Off menu / written by Oliver Gerlach illustrated by Kelsi Jo Silva.
Immortal dark / Tigest Girma.
Mr. Lemoncello's fantabulous finale / Chris Grabenstein.
Divine mortals / Amanda M. Helander.
How it all ends / Emma Hunsinger.
Star / Erin Hunter.
Something like right / H.D. Hunter.
The unfinished / Cheryl Isaacs.
Diary of a wimpy kid : hot mess / by Jeff Kinney.
Giga Town : the guide to manga iconography! / Fumiyo Kouno translator: Ko Ransom.
Mallory in full color / Elisa Stone Leahy.
Make my wish come true / Rachael Lippincott and Alyson Derrick.
What we wish for / Melody Maysonet.
All the dead lie down / Kyrie McCauley.
Swing / Audrey Meeker colors by Sarah Davidson.
It happened to Anna / Tehlor Kay Mejia.
Let it glow / Marissa Meyer and Joanne Levy.
The Pacific Northwest disaster guide / Henry Latourette Miller illustrated by Jeff Parker.
When the world tips over / Jandy Nelson.
A two-placed heart : a memoir in verse / Doan Phuong Nguyen.
Asgardians. 2, Thor / George O'Connor color by SJ Miller.
Star Wars Darth Vader. Vol. 8, Dark droids / writer, Greg Pak artists, Raffaele Ienco color artist, Federico Blee letterer, VC's Joe Caramagna Leinil Francis Yu with Sunny Gho, (#37-38) & Romulo Fajardo Jr. (#39-41), cover art.
Come out, come out / Natalie C. Parker.
Ready or not / Andi Porretta flats by Matt Aytch Taylor.
Tegan and Sara. Crush / words by Tegan Quin & Sara Quin pictures by Tillie Walden.
The chainbreakers / Julian Randall.
Class act / Kelsey Rodkey.
It came from the trees / Ally Russell.
Star Wars. Bounty hunters. Vol. 7, Dark droids / writer, Ethan Sacks artists, Lan Medina (#35-36), Davide Tinto (#37-41), Jethro Morales (#42 main story) & Paolo Villanelli (#42 coda) color artist, Arif Prianto letterer VC's Travis Lanham.
Star Wars : the High Republic. 1, There is no fear / Cavan Scott, writer Ario Anindito, penciler Mark Morales, inker Annalisa Leoni, color artists VC's Ariana Maher, letterer Phil Noto, cover art.
The temptation of magic / Megan Scott.
Light enough to float / Lauren Seal.
The sweetness between us / Sarah Winifred Searle.
Star Wars, the High Republic : the edge of balance. Vol. 1 / story by Shima Shinya & Justina Ireland art by Mizuki Sakakibara additional art by Nezu Usugumo.
HappyHead / Josh Silver.
Superior Spider-Man. Vol. 2, Superior spider-island / Dan Slott plot Christos Gage (#5-6) & Dan Slott (#7-8) script Mark Bagley penciler John Dell with Andrew Hennessy (#6-7) inkers Edgar Delgado color artist VC's Joe Carmagna letterer.
Superior Spider-Man. Vol. 1, Supernova / Dan Slott, writer VC's Joe Caramagna, letterer.
Star Wars. Quests of the force. Vol. 6 / Charles Soule illustrated by Madibek Musabekov.
This is not a dead girl story / Kate Sweeney.
Take it from the top / Claire Swinarski.
The ghostkeeper / a graphic novel by Johanna Taylor letters by Micah Myers.
The dividing sky / Jill Tew.
The terrifying tales of Vivian Vance / by Josh Ulrich.
Under the surface / Diana Urban.
Two sides to every murder / Danielle Valentine.
Girlmode / by Magdalene Visaggio illustrated by Paulina Ganucheau.
Ash's cabin / Jen Wang.
Lunar boy / story and art by Jes and Cin Wibowo.